Tuesday, November 18, 2008

CCH Pounder has a breakdown

Before I get to my Shield prognostications, I want to make it clear that part of my declaring the Andy Reid Era to be dead is declaring the Donovan McNabb Era to be over as well. Donovan has done great things as an Eagle, and I believe that someday we as fans will embrace him once again when he is about 45, however his time here is up. In the modern era of sports, with free agency and more violent and wearing competition in general, it is impossible, in my opinion, for a player to be loved in a city for over a decade (baseball being the exception). Our relationships with our sports heroes are like real relationships. There is a great period after the growing pains in the beginning, but eventually things decline to a point where the dumbest comment causes a huge ruckus. Jimmy Rollins was let off the hook for his comment by the late season surge his teammates put together, however, it looks as though Donovan won't be so lucky. The overtime comment was his version of skipping Fan Appreciation Night. Donovan McNabb, barring injury, is about to embark on his final 6 games as an Eagle. Sadly, everyone knows its time. Maybe someday down the line, we'll look back on his time here pretty fondly, but for a while, it's going to be bitterness and a lot of he-said we-said. It stinks that it has to end like this but, like most relationships, it's for the best.

On to The Shield.

After thinking about it on the ride home tonight from my Shield viewing party, I thought a lot about where this could be headed. After much consideration, I have settled on the following. I believe that Ronnie will kill Shane and Vic, aided mostly by Billings. Why? Let me break it down. Vic burned Ronnie tonight, even after promising Ronnie that he would be there for him. While he was baited into this by Corinne's secret cooperation with the police, no one knows that but Dutch and CCH Pounder. First, Ronnie will learn of a little info on Shane via a slip up from Dutch to Billings, who, thanks to his redundant cops have cops' backs arguement, will pass the info to Ronnie. Ronnie will then find Shane and kill him and leave Maura to be taken to the hospital. Just before pulling the trigger on Shane, Shane will tell Ronnie something that will make him realize that Vic is up to his old tricks, playing every side to get what HE needs. Ronnie will then arrange a meeting with Vic under the presumption that they are going to be working towards a resolution on the Beltran case. Vic needs Ronnie to stay out of jail so this will seem normal to him. Ronnie will then kill Vic, or set him up to be killed by the Mexican Cartel, just like Vic and Shane killed anyone in their way. This will free Ronnie to make a run for it as he has no family, no children to speak of. I bet the last scene will be of Ronnie chilling tough with a drink in his hand on the beautiful Mexican Riviera, free of the worries and stress that followed him constantly in Farmington. Also, CCH Pounder will kill herself, feeling like she failed in every way possible as captain. Dutch will at the very least be assaulted by the boy who he accused of being a serial killer in the making. That's why he was getting the as yet to be explained phone calls from the boy's mother in tonight's episode. Finally, Billings, thanks to his experience and new found freedom from his lawsuit debacle (thanks Dutch), will be named captain and Farmington will move on from their losses.

If I nailed the final episode, I expect my own show.


Eric Snow was underrated said...

I agree and disagree.

1) CCH will probably kill herself.

2) Dutch will be taken prisoner and tortured by that kid and his mom will end up killing the kid.

3) I agree that Ronnie kills Shane somehow but he too will be killed.

4) Something needs to happen to acevada. He lives but his political career is ruined. Perhaps the camera phone pics of him giving a blow job surface.

5) I agree with the Billings prediction.

6) Vic might live, but if he does, he'll be on the run.

-The way I see it is no one who has been around since the show began gets by unscathed and there is no happy ending. Except maybe Julian and Danny.-

jrk said...

My predictions:

1) Vic some how left out a detail or does some other crime in the last episode that destroys his deal.

2) Shane is as good as dead. I think we all know that. However, I think he takes down Julian as he tries to bring him in.

3) Ronnie is gonna be all right. He can run very easily since he isn't tied down at all.

4) Either CCH or Dutch die in some way. One or the other, not both, not neither.

Either way I will be home for it, so I'm getting in on the viewing party.