Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Birds Get Spanked, What's Next?

By this time, everyone knows what a debacle Saturday night was. It's been rehashed ad nauseum and, quite frankly, I don't want to even think about it. So I won't. Instead, I'll look to the future and try and figure out where the Birds go from here.

Due to the looming Collective Bargaining dispute between the league and the Players Association, things have never been more difficult to read in the NFL. As it stands now, next year's salary cap will be slightly lower than this year's, with 2011 then being an uncapped year. That uncapped year off in the distance will more than likely have huge influence on what the Eagles will do.

If you listen to the populace here in Philly, the call for Donovan McNabb to be run out of town has grown to an almost deafening roar. I've had conversations with people regarding his inability to be accurate, the fact that you never see Donovan studying snapshots of the defense or speaking on the phone with the guys upstairs, and, of course, his incessantly annoying laugh every time something bad happens. All of these are valid points. I think the bigger issue with Donovan is the fact that the Eagles seem unwilling to accept that he is not a West Coast QB. He can't consistently hit the underneath route, everyone knows this, yet Andy Ried seems unwilling to accept this and adjust. Because of this, I am not one to heap all of the blame on Donovan. How can you blame a guy for his coaches' inability to recognize his limitations? I am fairly sure that no matter where Donovan ends up, he will remain to be rather successful.

So what will happen with Donovan? His current deal runs through next year, making him a free agent just in time for the uncapped year. That fact alone, I believe, has to prevent the Eagles from bringing him back next year. Think of it this way... The Eagles could trade Donovan now, likely get a 2nd Round pick for him, or at least a larger package of mid round picks. Those draftees are generally inked to 3-5 year deals right after the draft, all at relatively low value as the players need to prove themselves. If the Eagles follow through with the trade, they can effectively cut Donovan loose at a time when not too many people would complain, AND get something of value in return for him.

Now consider if we keep Donovan for this final year of his contract. If he plays well, he will command a large salary on the open market, a large salary that the Eagles would be unlikely to be willing to match, thus allowing him to walk for nothing in return. If by some miracle Donovan guides the Eagles to the Promised Land, the organization would look terrible for letting him walk, and they would then owe him a pretty sum in order to keep him around and save some face in the public eye. By those calculations, keeping Donovan is a lose-lose propostition.

My suggestion? I believe the Eagles should trade Donovan McNabb to a team willing to part with a 3rd and 4th rounder next year, as well as a 5th rounder the following year. They should then release Mike Vick (no shock there) and offer Kevin Kolb a modest extension that says, "you're gonna get a few years to prove yourself as a starter, but we aren't giving you Pro Bowl money until you get there." They should then use one of the draft picks received for McNabb on an accurate college quarterback who can move in the pocket, but would still be considered a project. Said QB will become your 3rd QB on your roster. As for your backup, why not bring back Jeff Garcia or someone like that? All you need in your backup is a savvy vet who can come in and grind out victories.

If the Eagles follow my plan for their QB situation, it would also open up a ton of money for the uncapped year, giving the Eagles the opportunity to sign some big talent at prices higher than most teams would be willing to offer. I know its tough to part with arguably the best QB in franchise history, but the time is now.

1 comment:

jrk said...

I agree completely. Colt McCoy seems to fit you replacement criteria. Most people say he is going to slip to at least the fourth round after the injury...